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ONE-TLC is dedicated to assisting others in discovering and embracing their 

Spiritual, Ancient, and Quantum Wisdom

through educational and experiential opportunities. 

ONE-TLC offers Compassionate Guidance with Focused Intent to assist you 

and/or your organization in Discovering Personal Truth which enables you to 

Create the Desired Realities You Deserve

while BEing Divinely Authentic!

The ONE-TLC grounds and facility provide a 

safe nurturing environment that offers opportunities to 

Explore Your Higher Realities of Consciousness


All of our services are available via our Spiritual Intelligence Alliance (SIA) team 

which can come to you.  (See SIA on left)


Jackie Self

Hello Beautiful Friends,

My life has been quite a journey so far and I am absolutely amazed at the intricacy of which we as humans are and how we journey through our daily lives. The more I learn about nature and the cosmos the more spiritually connected I feel... and the more enjoyable and synchronistic my life becomes. My passion is to help YOU connect to the Divine within and experience life more fully as I AM.

Self-Discovery Facilitator

Jackie Self – AKA: Zientah

I assist people in Discovering and Integrating their Authentic Self.


Namaste Fellow Starseeds,

I AM, like many of You Are, a Starseed here with remembrances', transformational healing abilities, and Inter-dimensional connections.

I AM here to encourage self-empowerment so ALL Spirits can unitize and harmonize their personal and Intergalactic missions and agendas.  I AM here to assist YOUR Journey into BEing ALL the JOYous expressions of YOUr Divine Hearts... NOW and FOREVERMORE.

Quantum Advisor

David Allison – AKA: Dear Cosmos and

The Quantum Dude and LE/#37

I assist people in Making Sense of the 

Realities they’re co-creating.

(Picture is of OUR Essence: Yours & Mine - Namaste) 

I AM a 'Transition Specialist' for Bardo intake and debriefing meetings

where Spirit/Souls review, renegotiate, and set new agendas prior to incarnating

into new physical expressions back into this life or an after-this-life expression.

"Going from 'Here' to 'The Here and Now' and 'Then...'"

Additional Bio Information

Jackie Self:


Texas A & M University

A New Beginning School of Massage

The School of Transformation and Healing


Master Healer & Teacher

Agent of Conscious Evolution (ACE-Barbara Hubbard)

Natural Applications of Nurtition and Body Chemistry

Ordination: Universal Ministries - Minister/Counselor

DNA - Genetic Reprogramming

Destiny Card Science Reader

Bars - Access Consciousness

Core Belief Re-patterning

1st and 2nd Degree Reiki

Professional Coach

Herbal Medicine

DNA Activation

Qigong Healing

Theta Healing





Ramtha's School of Enlightenment

Arthur Findlay College in the UK

The Herbal Healer Academy

Adawehi Institute

David Allison:

Credentials and Education:

(In order of relevance)

Certification: Life Healing Transformational Coach - Master Trainer

Certification: Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP) - Life Coach

Certification: Critical Incident Stress Manager - Crisis Management Consultant

Certification: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - Counseling Coach

Certification: Traumatic Stress Specialist - PTSD Counseling/Healer

Certification: Developing a Peer Workforce - Support Group Trainer

Certification: Peer Facilitator/Mental Health Groups - Practitioner

Certification: Spiritual Ascension & Healing - Intuitive Healer

Certification: Reiki Master - Master Level/Trainer/Healer

Certification: Kabbalah Disciplines - Spiritual Healing

Ordination: Universal Ministries - Minister/Counselor

Ordination: Aaronic Priesthood - Spiritual Counselor

Ordination: Tao/Dao Master - One Point Tao/Master Kuo

California Institute: San Francisco, CA - Sales and Marketing

City College: San Francisco, CA - Real Estate/Sales/Marketing

Spencer School of Real Estate: Houston, Texas - Sales/Marketing

Hofstra University: Hempstead, New York - Engineering Electronics

Military Training U.S. Army: 10 Months Officer Training (OCS) - Georgia

Life Experiences:


ONE-TLC: Co-Founder of Now~Living Potentials/Trainer

Divinely Knowing “All-Is-On”: Founder/Trainer/Life Coach

Divine Science University: Founder/Trainer/Healer/Life Coach

Boundless Potential: Managing Partner/Healer/Counselor/Coach

Lighthouse for Mental Health Recovery: 501(C)(3) Founder/CEO

Texas Mental Health Consumers: 501(C)(3) V.P./Treasurer/Trainer

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: 501(C)(3) Group Facilitator

Match Two: Prison Counceling for inmates (San Quinton Correctional) 


United States Army: (Signal Corps) - Company Commander

Re/Max of San Mateo CA: General Manager - Marketing/Sales

Re/Max of California: Commercial Real Estate Broker - Marketing

Mutual Mortgage Company: General Manager - Marketing/Sales

Better Homes & Gardens: Real Estate Sales and Leases

Farm & Ranch Healthcare: Health Insurance Rep. 


Justice Solid Cedar Homes: Owner/Developer/Home Builder

Rugs, Rugs, Rugs: Owner - Chain of four Carpet/Rug/Flooring Stores

Quality Carpet Care: Owner - Carpet Cleaning/Janitorial Service

Quality Carpets: Owner - Carpet/Rug/Flooring Store

Blue Moon: Restaurant Owner

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